
Darrington, Washington

Last summer we attempted to ride to the Old Cascades Highway which became in the last few years, Highway 20. It stretches from (going east) Burlington all the way over Eastern Washington to Okanogan. Its main attraction is the beautiful mountain range with it's incredible cliffs, the Baker Dam and of course the roads. If you have a phobia about heights and steap cliffs you may want to think about taking a trip over the Old Cascades Highway.

We stoped in Darrington, WA. at the Stage Coach Inn Motel for the night. Had dinner at an old fashion diner and called it a night. The next morning you could see the rain clouds toward the north. We decided not to take the risk and headed back south only to find the clouds darkening. We were lucky to miss the rainstorm that had settled over most of the state. I was disapointed, but glad to avoid a major shower that day. Below are some of the pictures we took. The mountain you see here is called the Whitehorse mountain. It's located about 10-15 miles south of Darrington. So close you could swear you can almost touch it. And you can make out the horsehead if you look real close

Pictures and copyright: Carmen Adams, 1999